Welcome to the Mavericks SA Web Site
Mavericks SA Line Dance SchoolBoskruin Community Centre
Kelly Ave, Boskruin, Johannesburg, 2154
The Mavericks SA Line Dancing School in Randburg is run by Val who is a qualified South African Dance Teachers Association (SADTA) Associate Line Dance and CWDC National Dance Teacher.
The school started at the Cheshire Homes towards the end of 1999 transferring the classes to the Boskruin Community Centre in January 2000.
You don't need a partner to learn line dancing, it's great fun and what's more it's fantastic exercise, so what could be better - get fit and have fun at the same time.
As well as having fun it's a great chance to meet people and make new friends - and if you've never tried it before what are you waiting for, now's your chance.
BEGINNER CLASS: Monday and Wednesday mornings: 10.00 am to 11.00 am
INTERMEDIATE CLASS: Monday and Wednesday mornings: 11.00 am to 12.00 noon
For any further information on classes please contact:
TEL NOS: Val: +27 (0)83-308-9897 or (011) 793-2406
Postal Address: PO Box 1940 Sundowner 2161
E-Mail Address: linedancing@iafrica.com
Web Site : www.linedancing.co.za